Thursday, April 23, 2009



Let’s begin with some truth telling: we are always irritated about something, big or little, no matter, it’s in our blood, our genes, or perhaps we read too many books and newspapers, whatever the cause we feel duty bound to offer a corrective message against the insults, hypocrisy, stupidity, mendacity, hubris, and outright evil that envelops us like the oppressive humidity in our part of the country. And here’s another truth we hold dear: the majority opinion is just another opinion; that lots of people believe something to be true does not make it so. Remember, this is the country where a majority twice elected Richard M. Nixon and George W. Bush President.

We believe that if you aren’t alienated over something, you aren’t paying close attention to your life. We know that institutions are corrupt for their lack of memory, mercy, and responsibility. We think that anyone who calculates a small handful of people as trusted friends leads a worthy life. We believe that having an intimate companion makes everything else small by comparison.
We hold no absolute party allegiance, although when Barack Obama won the election we did drink Ouzo and roamed aimlessly through the streets for two days, if only for the possibility that he might be the real thing, not the certainty of it.

Our shared view of the world and our place in it does not come from a common taproot. We are cracker South and rural New England; we grew up in a trailer park and a five bedroom home; we are authors from two wildly different genera; we are mixed gender co-bloggers; one of us is well known and the other is a discounted big fish in a small pond; we have been around and done some things, just not the same things, or together. But these differences are but white background noise beside our shared satisfaction at a well-turned sentence and our distress at a missed opportunity to make a better world.

Fight the power.

Dr. Huesos is an unrepentant New Leftist who rebuilds old Harleys

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